Yoho’s Resolution Defines Obama’s Immigration Actions as Impeachable
Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) has submitted a House Resolution (H. Res. 198) which would define President Obama’s recent executive actions on illegal immigration as impeachable offenses.Listed impeachable...
View ArticleChris Christie: No Border Fence
Potential Presidential candidate Chris Christie came out against a border fence during an economic summit hosted by Florida Governor Rick Scott.The solution to the country’s immigration issues is “not...
View ArticleCommission Nixes Dissent Showing Illegal Alien Crimes
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recently issued a flawed report on the status of illegal aliens in detention facilities.In an unprecedented move, the Commission nixed a dissenting report from...
View ArticleIllegals Could Put Hillary In White House in 2016
A new analysis shows just how illegal aliens could tip the 2016 Presidential election to Hillary Clinton even if no illegal alien casts a vote.Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without...
View ArticleCanned Disney Workers Speak Out on Foreign Replacements
Two American IT workers spoke out about how Disney couldn’t wait to get rid of higher-paid U.S. workers and replace them with dirt-cheap foreign workers.David Powers and Leo Perrero spent 10 years at...
View ArticleRubio Defends More H1-B Visas
Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio defended his position on increasing the number of foreigners allowed into the U.S. on H1-B visas, but tried to add some new conditions.Florida Senator and...
View ArticleMeet the State Lawmaker Who Wants to Slap $5K-a-Day Fines on Sanctuary City...
A Florida state senator proposes to impose a fine of up to $5,000 a day on officials of “sanctuary cities” who don’t follow federal immigration enforcement policies.“In Florida, [sanctuary cities]...
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